Pay once use forever

Lifetime pricing

For those who hate subscription


350€ 499€

Plan for small teams

  • 5 Admins
  • 5 Boards
  • Changelog
  • 180 days of analytics
Get started today


1000€ 2500€

Plan for medium and big teams

  • Unlimited admins
  • Unlimited boards
  • Changelog
  • 1 year of analytics
Get started today

We get it. Nobody wants to purchase a lifetime deal for a software tool, and then see that company go out of business a few months or years later. We want to assure you that It Changed is here to stay.


We are certain that It Changed will be around for years and years to come because It Changed is 100% bootstrapped and PROFITABLE. We love to work on this tool and make it evolve, that is why we launched ir for public. We don't say this to brag, but rather to give you the confidence that It Changed WILL be around for years and years to come.

What about updates?

As we have seen before, some companies change their minds and try to cancel their one-time-payment licenses which have been issued YEARS ago. Well, we made sure that such person will not be in charge, so HELL NO, you WILL NOT loose your lifetime license because someone has decided so, and ofcourse you will get all the new features which come after (and hold tight, there is a lot)

Will lifetime deal be around forever?

In short- probably not. We most likely will remove the lifetime deal at some point. But anyone who has already got it will keep their lifetime access.

Oh and just in case- those who purchased lifetime license will be able to upgrade to another lifetime plan (including if we take out lifetime plan deal, that's just in case if you want to grab a deal but not sure which plan to choose)

Will I be able to upgrade my lifetime plan?

Yes, absolutely! You will be able to upgrade your lifetime plan even if we take lifetime deal out.

If you have any other questions about ItChanged's lifetime deal, you can email me directly at

-Marks, founder of ItChanged